Soul + Skin Care

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Balancing Act, Mom’s Specialty

How do we do get it all done? Balance our personal and professional lives, parenthood and our needs, working out and having fun, friendships and relationships? The answer my friends is that it is an Art and a constant, conscious practice of Balance. Life is kinda like riding a bike. Sometimes we loose our balance and fall off, but it is all about getting back up stronger next time. I hope some of my tips will help you get back up and find your balance again!Here are some things I find helpful:By taking really good care of, and replenishing ourselves is how we can be better parents, wives/girlfriends, husbands, lovers, friends, employees. etc. Be sure to create time to take care of yourself and do something you LOVE or enjoy every day, and as often as possible. For me, one of my favorite things to do is to dance. I have created my schedule around the dance classes I love. While I realize that while not everyone can create their own schedule, we can still find a way to do things that feed our soul, even if that means, having a cup of coffee in bed, or a slow morning walk.Getting ahead of the momentum:What I am realizing is how important it is to set the tone for your day right when you wake up by meditating, or at the v. least planning out how your day will go. I have made a commitment to myself to start my day with a 15 minute meditation. On the days that my daughter wakes me up first, I put on an episode of Sesame Street and get back in bed to meditate and set the tone for my day. If we just get up and go it is very easy to put our energy/focus, or momentum, if you will, in places that we don’t necessarily want to go. I was finding that I was getting right up and checking my texts and emails and I was letting my thoughts get on board with what was happening around me, rather than focusing on what I want to create for myself. I am really enjoying the process now and that is what is it all about!Visualize things going your way:Doing a mental walk through of how your day is going to unfold before you get started. Every time I do this, I find I gain a tremendous amount of peace and ease in my day. You can imagine the outcome of a meeting in your favor or getting parking right in front when you are running errands. A good time to do this is when you are doing your skin care regimen in the morning. You can set the tone for your day by imagining things going in your favor!“Take the time to line up the Energy first, and action becomes inconsequential. If you don’t take the time to line up the Energy, if you don’t find the feeling place of what you’re looking for, not enough action in the world will make any difference.”—Abraham HicksBeing realistic about what you can get done in a day:It is my understanding that most people underestimate what we can get done over a longer period of time, and over estimate what we can get done in a short period of time. Maybe even jotting down the amount of time that a project will take you to help plan out your time well. This will give you a baseline to start with to be realistic about what needs to get done now, and what you can actually get done later. As you adjust for the week, you can add things push things back when needed. I can certainly be a little busy body but I am finding that by slowing down, meditating, doing a mental walk through of my day, I enjoy my time more, I feel better, and I find a sense of ease.Enlist Help:Either paid or voluntary. People love to help! By asking someone to do something for you, you give them a chance to express their love for you. Our nature is to love and support one another. Give someone that opportunity when you can. By outsourcing the projects or tasks that you don’t enjoy doing, you free yourself up to do the things you LOVE!! I know this oh so well as a business owner. By paying for laundry service, or an assistant, I am able to focus on my craft and better serve my clients, family, and my needs which make me happy. In addition, I have created a job and an opportunity to support someone else in creating their livelihood.Finding things and thoughts that make you feel good:Finding a way to make peace with something you “have to do” in order to enjoy the process.When we are not in alignment with the things we need to “get done” they don’t feel good and we don’t enjoy the process, and they often don’t go the way we would like them to go. Although, I may not always enjoy some of the day to day tasks I do, I can find a way to enjoy them more by remembering the big picture. For example, some of the tasks I do as a business owner, like saving m receipts and marking my bank statements for my accountant are not my favorite things to do. I remind myself that this allows me to do what I love to do, service my clients and that I get to create my own schedule and I can do the tasks after hours from my couch if I like. Feeling that sense of freedom and autonomy, makes me feel good about what I am doing, and there is NOTHING more important than I FEEL good. When I don’t feel good, I don’t serve myself or anyone!