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New Years Ritual

As the year comes to a close, this is a great time to reflect on all the wonderful gifts and lessons you received in 2012. What are you taking with you, and creating for yourself in the New Year? What is it you would like to leave behind or release with the closing of 2012? Here is a ritual I would like to share with in releasing the old and calling in the new! I have also some food for thought on New Years Resolutions that will benefit all of us.New Years RitualWrite down all that you are leaving behind, whether it is a behavior pattern, habit, or old “story” that no longer serves you and burn the paper. If you can, get in a warm bath or shower, and imagine the water washing away everything you are releasing. There may or may not be tears with this, but if emotions are coming up, let them flow and move through you. Now write down everything that it is you would like to call in for the New Year & dream big, knowing that you are suppose to be HAPPY and life is suppose to feel GOOD!New Years ResolutionsIf there is one new years resolution you choose, let it be to choose your words wisely because Communication Is Creation. You may want to start listening to how you speak and adjusting your words to meet your goals. If you didn’t like something that happened to you, don’t keep telling your friends that story. Tell the story you want to create for yourself moving forward! Create with LOVE!Happy New Year! xoxo