Soul + Skin Care

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Prevention is key- how to keep your skin looking its best.

Just like with health care, prevention really is best. Knowing when to kick up your tools (and actually doing it) will keep your skin looking good rather than having to do the dirty repair work later. You may also kick up these tools just to look your very best for a special occasion.What are good times to kick up your tools?Anytime that your skin or body immunity is compromised. Here are some examples: When you are traveling, sick, taking allergy or cold medicine or other Rx’s, for woman if you are prone to breakouts around your cycle then it’s a few days before, just after waxing/threading, when you are not taking care of yourself- traveling/eating crappy, and stressed the heck out!What are your tools you ask? Those are the things that you would use in addition to the daily cleanser, serum & moisturizing products that actually keep the skin clear, or firm, or moist, like masks and exfoliants as well as anti-aging devices for home use, such as the Nuface TrinityLED light therapy anti-aging or acne devices. You can often use these products several days in a row to prevent and give the skin a surge of healing and nutrition.For a more personalized approach, and to confirm that you have the right tools and how to use them, contact yours truly. I am happy to support you via phone or text if an appointment is not an option.