
Simple Ways to Stay Calm & Connected This Season

Make a conscious effort to take care of yourself in these simple ways. Remember, when we take care of ourselves, we are better able to take care of others, as we will have more to give!Remember to breathe. I know it sounds simple but often, when are are stressed, we hold our breath, which locks in the stress and tension!! Our breathe is the best tool we have to instantly calm & connect. The great thing about this tool is that your breath is always with you, and it is free- you just need to remember to use it. ? Your breath should be a continuous, circular flow, like the ocean. As soon as you finish your exhale, start your inhale. Make it a point to use this simple & divine way to instantly calm and connect!Take a bath! I am a huge proponent of taking daily baths with epsom salts. The epsom salts help draw out impurities-toxins from pollution, stress, food & alcohol, and more. Toxins only have a few ways to be released from the body, and they will come out the skin, if not given the opportunity to be flushed out properly! In addition, it is incredibly grounding, and relaxing- a wonderful way to finish the day and soothe yourself into your slumber…. ahhh… its like a big exhale! You are worth it.